Center for Esthetic Dentistry

Do You Have a "Haunted" Smile?

Oct 13, 2011 @ 03:17 PM — by
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How long has it been since you have laughed so hard that you cried?  How long has it been since you had to hold your belly because you had just completed a 20 minute laughing session?  If you haven't enjoyed this lately, is it because you are afraid to smile?  Is it because you are not proud of your smile?  Is it because you need to visit the dentist and haven't found the time? 

If you don't smile because you don't like the color of your teeth, the shape of your teeth, the arrangement of your teeth, join millions of others that have finally jumped the hurdle, and can let loose with a gut busting laugh--because they are finally happy with their smile!

Smile makeovers are easy, and the sky is the limit!  Porcelain veneers do not take hardly any of the tooth away and can rebuild the smile quickly, and painlessly!  Whitening can brighten your smile in as few as 2 hours, you can be sparkling white!  Invisalign can rearrange most issues of crowding and overlap with clear braces! 

Which of these options have you been thinking about and want more information on?  Feel free to post any questions, and we will be glad to answer!