Center for Esthetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry and Invisalign

Apr 22, 2010 @ 11:51 PM — by
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Braces Center For Esthetic Dentistry



There was a time when orthodontic treatment and cosmetic dentistry were worlds apart. Whereas cosmetic dentistry sought to improve the appearance of the teeth as quickly and effectively as possible, orthodontic treatment demanded that patients sacrifice aesthetics in the present in order to have beautiful, healthy smiles in the future. With the Invisalign® system, however, the worlds of cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics have come together in a most appealing fashion.

Treatment with Invisalign® produces the same excellent results as traditional metal braces in roughly the same amount of time, but with two important distinctions: Invisalign® aligners are removable, and they are practically invisible.

Because the aligners are removable, Invisalign® patients are able to eat whatever they like, whenever they like. No foods are off limits; apples, steak, popcorn, and other foods that would be difficult, if not impossible, to eat with metal braces can be enjoyed throughout Invisalign® treatment. Likewise, it is much easier to maintain a healthy brushing and flossing regimen with Invisalign®.

The aesthetic advantages of Invisalign® are – literally – clear. The aligners are difficult for the untrained eye to detect except at extremely close range. Adults who might feel self-conscious about undergoing a treatment normally associated with adolescence can smile and laugh with confidence, knowing that their teeth are unaffected by conspicuous wires and brackets.

If you are looking to straighten your teeth without advertising it to the world, Invisalign® may be the ideal treatment for you. Contact the Center for Esthetic Dentistry in New Haven, Connecticut for further information about this revolutionary orthodontic treatment – truly, the clear alternative to traditional metal braces.